Tax Check List
Click here for a printable version of the Tax Check List. This is provided in the universal pdf file format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to open this file. Click Here for a FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Full names as recorded on your Social Security card for yourself and all dependents.
- Date of Birth for yourself and all dependents.
- Domicile Address
- W-2s
- 1099s - R, INT, DIV, MISC., B (Proceeds from broker transactions)
- Partnership and Trust income (K-1s)
- Pensions and Annuities
- Social Security Benefits
- Alimony received
- Jury Duty pay
- Gambling and Lottery winnings
- Prizes and Awards
- Scholarships and Fellowships
- State and Local Income Tax Refunds
- Unemployment Funds received
- Mortgage Interest (1098)
- Real Estate taxes paid
- Rent paid
- IRA Contribution
- Personal Property Taxes (auto, boat, etc.)
- Student Loan Interest paid
- Gifts to Charity (documented)
- Unreimbursed Expenses for Charity
- Education expenses
- Child Care expenses
- Medical Savings Accounts
- Adoption expenses
- Alimony paid (Previous to 2018)
Remember, if you spend money to make money it will be deductible and it's my job to deduct it for you!
Low income seniors who don't have to file Federal Taxes may be eligible for the Massachusetts Circuit Breaker Credit which can bring substantial savings! |